Welcome to our new website

Welcome the the AS Taxation Ltd new website I hope it is easier to navigate tan the old website if any one has any suggestions for content or improvement please do get in touch. I will be looking to create a blog post and keep everyone updated with news and information about tax matters. If anyone has a topic that they want me to discuss please email me with your request.
While the Government is currently paying 80% of workers’ salaries up to £2500 a month for some 8.4 million workers under its furlough scheme, it has made clear that it cannot continue to provide this unprecedented lev...
Running a business can be tricky at the best of times. With so much to do, organise and look over, sometimes it can feel like you are drowning in paperwork and to-do lists. As a small business, growth and expansion are e...
As the saying goes, “nothing’s as certain as death and taxes”. Whilst all of us in working life are guaranteed to be taxed, there are always changes to tax rates, thresholds and wages that affect businesses and tho...